How VR is Changing the World of Real Estate Industry?
Virtual Reality Blog Changing the World of Animated Movies
There was a time in the world of technology when use of Virtual Reality Studio (VRS) in movies was nothing more than a myth. But this myth was busted way back in 1992 when Gimel Everett’s The Lawnmower Man hit the theatres. Directed by Brett Leonard, the movie became a commercial success in Hollywood. In 1995, Leonard went on to direct another VR-used movie named Virtuosity. However, directors back then were limited by the technology of their time, which is why it was hard to produce animated movies with integration of VR technology.
Cons of this technology outweighed its pros. In spite of the increasing numbers of sci-fi movies and series, Virtual Reality Studio was in a dormant state until 2012 which proved to be its breakthrough year, thanks to Oculus. The head mounted displays (HMD) produced by Oculus were lighter and clearer. Though the initial public response was slow, it surely geared up the tech industry. Following suit were Google and Samsung.
While Google forwarded Cardboard, a less-complex system which enabled modern smartphones to act as HMD, Samsung introduced Gear VR Development which used Galaxy mobile phones to form their own HMD. With big names like Sony and HTC jumping into the bandwagon, Web base Virtual Reality made a successful return to the tech market. But, the industry that looked up to the fresh advent of Virtual Reality Companies was filmmakers.
Virtual Reality Apps Development and Animation
Filmmakers, who wish to make it big in the world of animated movies, do realize the fact that creating quality content for VR Development is no cakewalk. In the wake of the fact that Virtual Reality Development Mobile is now accessible to viewers more easily than it did a decade ago, renowned production companies are now finding ways to include Real Estate VR App in the conventional ways of watching animated content. However, creating quality content for VR Development is one of the most time-consuming tasks for animators.
The first generation of Web base Virtual Reality systems depended mostly on CGI (Computer-generated Imagery) technique, but the new systems have introduced an additional content known as 360 degree video or Cinematic Virtual Reality (CVR). While the conventional systems gave user the freedom to move in the virtual space, CVR does not have this provision. However, CVR does provide its viewers with the quality of high-end television or films as it makes use of pre-rendered pictures and sound.
Undoubtedly, this content side has created windows of opportunities for filmmakers. Several animation and VFX studios have already started their venture by commencing on immersive projects. Great measures are being taken and maximum efforts are being put by animation studios to become Virtual Reality Real Estate Companies content producers. Production companies are spending millions of dollars to develop VR headset and create quality content to make users more adaptable to the technology.
To encourage the integration of Virtual Reality Companies in animation, the Sundance Film Festival had a Virtual Reality Development Mobile strand introduced to its New Frontier showcase. Thanks to the scheme, an incredible amount of content was produced for the same. Protozoa Pictures, the production company of Darren Aronofsky (director of Black Swan), has signed a deal for a three-part Virtual Reality Apps Development series known as Spheres. Moving on, we have Walt Disney Animation Studios which has recently released its first virtual-reality short film called ‘Cycles’.
The movie certainly is a milestone in Real Estate VR App technology as it is a new experiment done by a major studio. According to the YouTube channel News 360, Cycles marks “a new experiment by a major studio to use the power of VR to enhance storytelling.” The movie has been directed by Jeff Gipson, Disney Animation’s lighting artist. The movie premiered at the SIGGRAPH 2018 conference in Vancouver. All these animated movies are clear indications that Hollywood has adopted virtual reality. But, it still has few kinks which will have to be sorted in order to give the seamless movie experience to viewers.
The Changing Scenario of Animation World
Creation of Virtual Reality Real Estate Companies content has become a virtual laboratory where animators are creating mixed content. Starting from interactive games to short animated movies, animators are busy in mixing all their known methods to bring out the best from the technology. Who knows? May be the fan of Game of Thrones will be able to view the mighty dragons in their VR headsets and can experience the climb of the majestic Great Wall themselves.
One thing that goes for sure is that VR content creation requires unparalleled skills. In-depth knowledge, a good grasp of the latest techniques and hands-on experience – all these things are a must to utilize the potential of VR animation. At Yantram virtual reality Studios, animators keep honing their skills in accordance with the changing scenario of VR animation. Be it movies or games, we ensure that clients get the best of this technology.
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